
Women Tackle Abuse!
16 Sep, 2015

The Rise Women’s Club offers victims the opportunity to speak about gender violence.

Soul Buddyz "Money Matters"
16 Sep, 2015

Soul City Head Office delivered “Money Matters” magazine to all Soul Buddy Clubs during August 2015. The aim of the material is to enhance club members knowledge and skills regarding all money issues for example: how to save, budgets, the value of money, etc.

Soul City hosts Panel Discussion on Gender based Violence
15 Sep, 2015

The need for a government and civil society coordinated response to gender-based violence was made strongly at a panel discussion hosted by the Soul City Institute for Health and Development Communication today.

Women's Day event in North West
07 Sep, 2015

Dr Ruth S Mompati District Municipality held a Women’s Day Event 26 August 2015 at the Vryburg Banquet Hall. The auspicious occasion was opened in prayer and a moment of silence on HIV Reflection. The event’s main focus and theme was on HCT, Cancer Screening, Motivational and Health Talks.

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