Launched in an innovative community makeover television show as a 13 part series on SABC in 2009, the Kwanda programme has expanded to find ways to intensify social, human, economic and environmental capital development locally. The programme works towards enabling communities to address their own socio-economic challenges through engaging and enlisting various structures more effectively, including government and business.
The key outcome as articulated in the re-invigoration workshops is to ensure that the Kwanda programme is embedded in Developmental Priorities of Government (nationally and provincially), within the National Development Plan (NDP) and Integrated Development Plan’s (IDP’s). To this end the five Kwanda communities have initiated the “Kwanda Communities Imbizo” to be hosted by the Kwanda Teams at their local communities between March and April 2014. Through these Imbizo’s the communities seek to attract partnerships from various public and private bodies towards their developmental goals.
Province | Date | Community |
Limpopo | 28th March 2014 | Lephepane |
KwaZulu Natal | 4th April 2014 | uMthwalume |
Free State | 14th April 2014 | Kwakwatsi |
Eastern Cape | 24 April 2014 | Pefferville |
Mpumalanga | 29 April 2014 | Tjakastad |
If you are a resident, social or commercial partner of Mthwalume be at the Mfazazane Kwambambo Sports Ground, Ward 17, from 9:am on Friday 4 April.
Kwanda is delivered in a partnership between the Department of Social Development, Soul City Institute and Seriti Institute.