Article from The New Age, 29 November 2013 - Written by Lebo Ramafoko
Article from The New Age, 29 November 2013 - Written by Lebo Ramafoko
Renewed commitments towards universal health coverage
Soul City’s Savera Kalideen together with the Department of Social Development’s Zane Dangor participated in a televised debate on the impact of the alcohol advertising legislation on Judge Dennis Davis’s show, “Judge for Yourself”.
World Aids Day held on 1 December every year and is an opportunity for the world to unite in the fight against HIV. The theme for 2013 is: Get wise. Get tested. Get circumcised.
Dr Vincent Maphai, South African Breweries executive director of corporate affairs and transformation, appears to be misleading Parliament shamelessly
Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi on Wednesday took aim at the alcohol industry for resisting government regulation, describing its stance as the "arrogance of money thinking it can direct events".
There is evidence that alcohol advertising increases the likelihood that young people start to drink, and that the overall amount that they drink, and the amount that they drink on one occasion, are greater