Join us as we kick start #16DaysOfActivism campaign on violence against women and children. All of us need to intensify our efforts to end violence against women and children.
Join us as we kick start #16DaysOfActivism campaign on violence against women and children. All of us need to intensify our efforts to end violence against women and children.
The most frequent challenges which the average young women are facing in life is the high rate of teenage pregnancy, alcohol and drug abuse and finding themselves trapped inside “Blesser” webs without really being aware of the long-term consequences of their impulsive choices and behaviour.
My name is Nokulunga Ngeleka and I’m 21 years old from KwaNzimakwe under Ugu district, I finished my matric last year and I was a learner at Bheki High School.
My name is Smangele Mzelemu I'm 22 years old from Kwanzimakwe under Ugu District in Ray Konyeni municipality, I went to Nombuso high school and I finished my matric last year.
My name is Dingeni Sikhosane and I am 23years old. I live in Mthwalume under Ugu District. I am studying electrical engineering in coastal college.
My name is Samukelisiwe Mnguni (Sammy), I’m 19 years old from Mthwalume at Mzumbe in Ugu district and I am doing specialist diploma in Health and Social care @ MBTI College.
A literature review commissioned by the Soul City Institute has revealed that South Africa has a serious drug usage problem twice that of the global norm. Surely this is of great concern to the nation as a whole. What are some of the underlying factors behind this?
Government’s determination when it took on tobacco is what’s needed to deal with alcohol and its social problems IT WAS deeply disappointing to read in the media recently that the two major political parties have seemingly dismissed proposals in the Draft Liquor Amendment Bill, recently re‐ leased for public comment by the Department of Trade and In‐ dustry (DTI).